An archive of writing and art by modern-day Maryland-based artists

Submissions for Maryland Artist of the Month are open NOW!

Artists from Maryland has shifted to a monthly publication, with one artist represented every month! Therefore, our submissions are now rolling open as opposed to only open periodically!Artists from Maryland's magazine issues will shift to anthologies, where a majority of the pieces will be solicited.


This project intends to highlight the creativity of the wonderful state of Maryland. Through creative writing (poetry and prose in all of its forms), visual art, and anything experimental that can be shown on a page, we want to see how Maryland influences you as a creative. From photographs of your life to poetry about the Inner Harbor, if it stems from your life in Maryland in some way, we'd love to see it!If you are an artist that also resides in Maryland, we are hoping to see some work from you!



Aldrin Badiola

Aldrin Badiola (he/him) is a Filipino poet. His works can be found in Fleeting Daze Magazine, Cutbow Quarterly, and elsewhere. He is the editor-in-chief of Artists from Maryland and an Adroit Journal 2024 mentee in poetry. He can be found at

Jenna Nesky

Jenna Nesky (she/they) is an autistic poet and a senior at Carver Center for Arts and Technology. From Maryland, she is a graduate of the Adroit Mentorship Program, the Iowa Young Writers Workshop, and Kenyon Young Writers. She is a co-founder and co-president of Young Poets Workshop, and is currently working on a manuscript titled “The New Life,” which deals with her autistic identity.


Your name?January 20XX

Issue One: July 2024

The cover image of "Artists from Maryland," stating "ARTISTS FROM MARYLAND: Issue One" and "a journal of Maryland literature"


  • Thu Nhat Pham

  • Otis Sprow

  • nat raum

  • Patricia Adelizzi

  • Deidra Greenleaf Allan

  • Jenna Nesky

  • Ivy L. James

  • Aaliyah El-Amin

  • Frances Altman

  • Doug Dawson

  • Lois Perch Villemaire

  • Madeleine Schneider


The following are necessary for your submission to be considered:

  • A cover letter. Nothing too fancy! Just explain whether what you’re submitting is a simultaneous submission, if it has been previously published, and tell us about who you are and where in Maryland you are from!

  • A short artist bio (around 50 words, but we're a little flexible), since we want to get to know you and promote anywhere you may have been published before!

Genre specific guidelines (you can submit to up to two genres and four pages):

  • 1 to 3 poems, each on a new page, as a .pdf or .doc/.docx file

  • 1 to 2 prose pieces (fiction or nonfiction, max. of 2000 words) each on a new page, as a .pdf or .doc/.docx file

  • 1 to 4 pieces of art as separate .jpeg or .png files (Attaching alt-text is appreciated, however we are also willing to work with you to create alt-text.)

Expect a response within a month. If you do not receive one, please query.

If you submit anything discriminatory in nature, excessive gore, or gratuitious sexual content, your submission(s) will be immediately deleted with no response. When in doubt, submit with a trigger warning.

We are not interested in work that has in some way been directly shaped by artificial intelligence (AI). If you used AI to create it, assume that it won’t be accepted.

Previously published pieces are only welcome if you have permission from the previous publisher to republish it. We also allow any pieces here to be published elsewhere after it is published!

Simultaneous submissions are also allowed! Just notify us if the piece is published elsewhere before the collection is published so we can congratulate you!
If you submit when we are closed, your submission will be deleted and left unread.If you are rejected, please wait three months before submitting again. If you submit before that period is over, your submission will be deleted and left unread, and all future submissions will be given the same treatment.

Submissions are currently OPEN. Submit at the link below!